Jurusan Sastra Arab (JSA) awalnya merupakan Seksi Bahasa Arab. Seksi ini dibuka tahun 1965 dan merupakan bagian dari Fakultas Keguruan Sastra dan Seni (FKSS). Sebelum itu, ada 2 seksi lainnya, yaitu Seksi Bahasa Inggris dan Seksi Bahasa Jerman. Selanjutnya, pada tahun 1966, seksi Bahasa Arab berubah menjadi Jurusan Bahasa Arab. Kemudian pada tahun 1975, Jurusan Bahasa Arab berubah namanya menjadi Departemen Bahasa Arab. Ketika terjadi perubahan sistem pada seluruh LPTK dari program sarjana (lama) menjadi S1 pada tahun 1978/1979, Departemen Bahasa Arab juga membuka progran S1 dengan masa studi 4 tahun atau 8 semester.
Berdasarkan Surat Keputusan (SK) Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Mendikbud) No. 0714/0/1983 tentang jenis jurusan dan fakultas di lingkungan Universitas dan IKIP Negeri se Indonesia, Departemen Bahasa Arab berubah namanya menjadi Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Asing (JPBA), sedangkan FKSS berubah menjadi Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni (FPBS). SK Mendikbud tersebut ditindaklanjuti SK Dirjen Dikti Depdikbud No. 107/Dikti/Kep/1984 tentang jenis dan jumlah program studi di setiap jurusan pada fakultas di lingkungan IKIP MALANG. Berdasarkan SK itulah, JPBA IKIP MALANG memiliki satu program studi, yaitu Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Arab (PSPBA).
Sesuai dengan SK Dirjen DIKTI Nomor 143/DIKTI/Kep/2000 tentang jenis dan jumlah jurusan di lingkungan UM seiring dengan perubahan FPBS menjadi Fakultas Sastra (FS), JPBA berubah menjadi Jurusan Sastra Arab (JSA). Kemudian pada tahun 2000 juga, dengan SK Rektor No. 0381/KEP/ PT28.H/C/2000, ditetapkan bahwa program studi yang berada di JSA adalah Program Studi Sarjana Pendidikan Bahasa Arab (S1). Kemudian pada tahun 2014, berdasarkan surat Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi Nomor 439/E.E2/DT/2014, tanggal 19 Mei 2014, JSA memperoleh mandat untuk menyelenggarakan Program Studi Magister Keguruan Bahasa Arab (S2). SK tersebut diperkuat dengan SK Pendirian dengan nomor: 387/E/0/2014 dan SK Ijin Operasional nomor: 350/e/o/201. Program studi S2 Keguruan Bahasa Arab memperoleh nilai akreditasi A berdasarkan keputusan BAN-PT, No 694/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/M/IV/2019 dan berlaku mulai 9 April 2019 sampai 9 April 2024.
Program Studi Sarjana Pendidikan Bahasa Arab (S1) telah mengikuti akreditasi program studi yang diselenggarakan oleh Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi (BAN-PT). Pada akreditasi yang pertama (tahun 1996) dan kedua (tahun 2003), memperoleh nilai B. Pada akreditasi yang ketiga (tahun 2009), diperoleh nilai A, dan nilai A ini tetap dipertahankan pada akreditasi yang keempat (tahun 2014) sesuai SK BANPT Nomor: 364/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/IX/2014 dan berlaku sampai tanggal 10 September 2019. Pada tahun 2020, Prodi Pendidikan bahasa Arab mengajukan akreditasi ke V dan Alhamdulillah memperoleh nilai akreditasi A berdasarkan keputusan BAN PT NO 2786/SK/BAN-PT/Ak-PPJ/S/V/2020. Akreditasi ini berlaku mulai 5 Mei 2020 sampai 5 Mei 2025.
JSA merupakan salah satu organisasi di lingkungan Fakultas Sastra yang berada di bawah induk organisasi Universitas Negeri Malang. Sebagai sebuah organisasi pendidikan, JSA ikut andil dalam melaksanakan salah satu amanat UUD 1945, yaitu untuk mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa. Dalam upaya melaksanakan amanat tersebut, JSA mendukung pelaksanaan pendidikan Tinggi UM dalam pelaksanaan visi dan misinya.
Pada tahun 2020, Jurusan Sastra Arab telah resmi masuk dalam perkumpulan internasional Jurusan Bahasa Arab (al-jam`iyyah ad-dauliyyah li aqsâmi al-`arabiyyah), dan para dosen JSA juga sudah menjadi anggota persatuan internasional bahasa Arab (al-ittihad ad-dauliy li al-lughah al-`arabiyyah) di bawah naungan Majlis Internasional Bahasa Arab (al-majlis ad dauliy lil lughah Al-Arabiyyah).
- Laboratorium Bahasa
Overview of B.A. in Arabic Language Education
Higher Education Institution | : | Universitas Negeri Malang |
Study Program | : | Arabic Language Education Study Program |
Address and Phone Number | : | Jl. Semarang No 5 Malang Phone. +62341 – 551312 ext. 239 Phone/Fax. (+62341) 567475 |
Education Level | : | Bachelor’s Degree Program |
Accreditation Status and Decree Number | : | 2786/SK/BAN-PT/Ak-PPJ/S/V/2020 |
Accreditation Effective Period | : | Until 5 May 2025 |
Prospective Student Criteria | : | Able to read and write Arabic Letters |
Gradute Qualification | : | S.Pd. |
Study Term | : | 3.5–4 years/7–8 semesters |
Credit Load | : | 146 credits |
Acreditation Status
The Decree of the National Accreditation Body for Higher Education (BAN-PT) Number 2786/SK/BAN-PT/Ak-PPJ/S/V/2020 states that the Bachelor’s Program in Arabic Language Education of Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang City has met the eligibility requirement of being A-accredited (effective until 5 May 2025).
Scientific Vision and Missions
Scientific VisionThe scientific vision of Arabic Language Education to be achieved by 2030 according to UM’s main development plan is as follows:
to make scientific development in the fields of Arabic linguistics and literature, Arabic language and literature education, and Islamic study based on research which is adaptive to science and technology development with an emphasis on instructional innovations to produce graduates who are with character, learning skills, and abilities to innovate according to current development.
Scientific MissionsThe missions below are developed to align with the vision above.
- To organize learner-centered education and instruction in the fields of Arabic linguistics and literature, Arabic language and literature education, and Islamic study using effective, innovative instructional approaches to produce graduates of character and optimizing technological use;
- To conduct research in the fields of Arabic linguistics and literature, Arabic language and literature education, and Islamic study whose findings will benefit the development of science and technology as well as society welfare;
- To conduct community services in the fields of Arabic linguistics and literature, Arabic language and literature education, and Islamic study in orientation toward knowledge implementation and society empowerment.
Study Program Objectives
- To produce graduates who are intelligent, religious, of noble character, independent, and able to develop themselves professionally in the fields of Arabic linguistics and literature, Arabic language and literature education, and Islamic study;
- To produce excellent scientific and creative pieces of work to be used as references in the fields of Arabic linguistics and literature, Arabic language and literature education, and Islamic study;
- To produce community service work through knowledge appplications in the fields of Arabic linguistics and literature, Arabic language and literature education, and Islamic study in order to realize independent, productive, prosperous society.
Intended Learning Outcomes
Graduate Profile
The profile of the graduates of B.A. in ALE is developed based on the results of needs analyses, the vision and missions of UM, and society demand that this study program graduates should be graduates of competence and capability. This profile development also resulted from a continuous forum group discussion (FGD). The FGD reaches a consensus that the curriculum of the Arabic Language Education Study Program must be in congruence with scientific development, stakeholders’ interests, tracer study results, and suggestions from various related parties. The graduate profile is then formulated as follows.
Graduates of the Bachelor’s Program in Arabic Language Education should have the Indonesian personality, master Arabic Language concepts, skillfully design, implement, and evaluate various cases of problem-solving in Arabic Language instructions from elementary to middle education levels, and have the ability to develop various Arabic Language-based extra expertise creatively and innovatively according to the science and technology development in a variety of professions according to society needs.
Intended Learning Outcomes
The Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) of B.A. in ALE are as follows:
- Master the theoretical concepts of Arabic language in a logical, critical, systematic, innovative and adaptive manner, based on information technology and in accordance with academic ethics
- Master theoretical concepts on the basics of Arabic literature in a logical, critical, systematic, innovative and adaptive manner, based on information technology and in accordance with social awareness and humanity values
- Master the theoretical concepts of the basics of Arabic culture in a logical, critical, systematic, innovative and adaptive manner, based on information technology and respectful of cultural and religious diversity
- Use Arabic for international communication in a critical, logical, effective and accurate manner, both receptively and productively, with a sense of nationalism and responsibility
- Master the theoretical concepts of Arabic language teaching and learning, and be able to design, implement and evaluate lessons logically, critically, systematically, innovatively and adaptively, based on information technology and in accordance with academic ethics and efforts to improve the quality of the nation and country
- Master the theoretical concepts of research and be able to design research proposals, and carry out and make a report of research in the form of undergraduate thesis and journal article, in accordance with academic ethics
- Develop additional skills as an Arabic-based practitioner / entrepreneur creatively and innovatively, in accordance with the needs of society and with the spirit of independence, endeavor and entrepreneurship.